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"Where fantasy is real"


A look to Bolivia

The natural beauty of Bolivia is undeniable and one of its most outstanding features is its Andean culture, which is evident in many facets of society since Bolivia is considered the most Andean country in Latin America and, wherever we go, this culture will be present.

Lake Titicaca, the highest navigable lake in the world (3,800m above water level), with an intense blue colour, offers a spectacular view surrounded by the Andean Mountains, from its Bolivian shore.

And one cannot help but be astonished at the vision of the Uyuni salt flat – the largest in the world with a surface of more than 10,500 square kilometers – where it might suddenly seem like we walk on the sky itself given the perfect reflection that it causes on the surface.

However, these famed sites are not the only thing that Bolivia has to offer.

In addition to these large flat surfaces, we also have to mention the Yungas, the humid mountain forests, the most biogeographically diverse area of the country, for its fauna, flora and climatic and topographic variety.

We should also mention the place where the largest dinosaur footprint site in the world is located: Cal Orcko, in Sucre. With more than 10,000 tracks of dinosaurs (of 294 different species) found since 2006, it has unarguably surpassed any previously discovered sites.

In terms of history and culture in Bolivia, the Island of the Sun, a legendary cradle of Inca civilization, stands out as well as the archaeological site of Tiahuanaco, a society that prevailed for more than five centuries.

Similarly, unquestionable recognition must be given to Sucre -the oldest city in the Bolivian territory- and Potosí, cities rich in colonial history and declared Cultural Heritage by UNESCO, as well as Santa Cruz, with its important Jesuit representation and the largest work of rock architecture, in Samaipata.

Know our Rep.

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Tap here to learn some curiosities about Bolivia

There are 37 spoken languages in the country, although Spanish is the lingua franca.

It owes its name to Simón Bolívar, hero of the independence and first president of the country.

Due to its great richness, the Spanish expression “to be worth a Potosí”, popularized by Miguel de Cervantes, is synonymous of having extraordinary value or richness.

Bolivia has the largest indigenous population in South America.

The Uyuni salt flats has hotels built exclusively from salt.